Yes on 51: A Boost for Public Schools
By The Press Democrat Editorial Board | October 1, 2016
“…Proposition 51, a $9 billion bond act on the Nov. 8 ballot, is an opportunity to improve facilities for students in public schools and community colleges, including those here in Sonoma County.
…Tom Torlakson, the state’s school superintendent, said the alternative to Proposition 51 is diverting “precious funding away from teaching and learning activities,” and the Santa Rosa Chamber of Commerce says the initiative is critical to completing local school projects.
…Here in Sonoma County, at least five school districts and Santa Rosa Junior College have construction projects in progress after voters approved local school bonds in recent elections. Six local school districts have bond measures totaling $340 million on the Nov. 8 ballot. State bond money could stretch those local dollars further.
…Local voters have been generous with public schools, and there would be opportunities to leverage those dollars if the state’s fund for construction and repairs is recharged. With that in mind, The Press Democrat recommends a yes vote on Proposition 51.”
Read the full article here at The Press Democrat website.
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