Tag Archives: Yes on 51

Yes on 51: A Boost for Public Schools

Yes on 51: A Boost for Public Schools

By The Press Democrat Editorial Board  |  October 1, 2016

“…Proposition 51, a $9 billion bond act on the Nov. 8 ballot, is an opportunity to improve facilities for students in public schools and community colleges, including those here in Sonoma County.

Tom Torlakson, the state’s school superintendent, said the alternative to Proposition 51 is diverting “precious funding away from teaching and learning activities,” and the Santa Rosa Chamber of Commerce says the initiative is critical to completing local school projects.

…Here in Sonoma County, at least five school districts and Santa Rosa Junior College have construction projects in progress after voters approved local school bonds in recent elections. Six local school districts have bond measures totaling $340 million on the Nov. 8 ballot. State bond money could stretch those local dollars further.

…Local voters have been generous with public schools, and there would be opportunities to leverage those dollars if the state’s fund for construction and repairs is recharged. With that in mind, The Press Democrat recommends a yes vote on Proposition 51.”

Read the full article here at The Press Democrat website.

To learn more about this vital measure, please visit YesOn51.com.

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Yes On Proposition 51 Launches TV Ads

The Yes On Proposition 51 campaign today launched two television advertisements that highlight the broad and diverse support of the measure. Proposition 51 is a state school facilities bond that will help school districts repair and renovate aging school facilities and build new classrooms.

The 15-second spots focus on the support Prop 51 has garnered from the California State PTA, the California State Firefighters Association, and the California School Nurses Organization. The ads feature school nurse Phuong Tran, RN, and 2014 California Teacher of the Year Tim Smith. The ads will begin airing today in four regional media markets: San Diego, Los Angeles, Sacramento and Bay Area.

“Nothing is more disheartening than teaching students when our classrooms are falling apart and don’t provide access to student’s basic academic needs. To help students succeed, Proposition 51 will repair outdated and deteriorating schools and upgrade classroom technology, libraries, and computer and science labs,” said Florin High School teacher Tim Smith, the 2014 California Teacher of the Year.

Both spots can be viewed below:

(School Nurse)

(CA Teacher of the Year)

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Yes on 51: San Diego County schools need state funds


By Lorena Gonzalez & Brian Maienschein

September 29, 2016

San Diego is the second most populous county in California, and yet — somehow — seems like we often are shortchanged when it comes to getting our fair share of state or federal funding for services that are critical to our community. However, we have an important opportunity this November to make certain that doesn’t happen when it comes to school facilities. Proposition 51 is a measure that will make sure San Diego County schools get badly needed resources to maximize taxpayer investment in school facilities and create safe, effective teaching and learning environments for students. Currently, school districts raise local funds to repair aging schools or build new classrooms to reduce overcrowding and then apply for matching grant funds from the state to maximize local taxpayer dollars. The matching state grant program provides up to 50 percent of funds to be used for eligible new school facility projects and up to 40 percent of renovation projects. This partnership between districts and the state has successfully revitalized older school facilities and built new schools in communities since 1998.

Currently, school districts raise local funds to repair aging schools or build new classrooms to reduce overcrowding and then apply for matching grant funds from the state to maximize local taxpayer dollars. The matching state grant program provides up to 50 percent of funds to be used for eligible new school facility projects and up to 40 percent of renovation projects. This partnership between districts and the state has successfully revitalized older school facilities and built new schools in communities since 1998. Even more importantly, the partnership between local communities and the state has helped lower wealth school districts
create the same quality facilities as those that serve wealthier neighborhoods.

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Quarterly Message from the Chair

August 2, 2016

Jenny Hannah 2016 - IMG_9563 retProposition 51 – It is Official!

This is an exciting time to be in the business of school facilities.  I am pleased to report to you that it is official: the Secretary of State has designated the Kindergarten through Community College Public Education Facilities Bond Act as Proposition 51!  Moving forward, the State School Bond Campaign will be known as “Yes on Proposition 51.” We are committed to passing Proposition 51, the $9 billion State School Bond which includes $3 billion for New Construction, $3 billion for Modernization, $500 million for Career Technical Education (CTE), $500 million for the Charter School Facilities Program, and $3 billion for community colleges.

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Yes on Proposition 51 Background Briefing

July 29, 2016

Proposition 51 is a statewide school facilities bond that will appear on the November ballot to clear the current multi-billion dollar backlog of school construction projects awaiting state funding, and put a significant dent in the future projected school facilities need. With too many children attending school in aging classrooms without modern resources, Prop 51 will invest in these students’ lives and increase the potential for their success by upgrading schools to meet current health and safety standards, and improving classroom technology, computers systems, science labs, libraries and facilities that support career technical education. The state has not passed a bond since 2006, and students and teachers are paying a price for it.

The Yes on Proposition 51 campaign would appreciate your publication’s endorsement and has attached a briefing document outlining the following:

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