Tag Archives: Title and Summary

The Status of School Bond Bills in the Legislature


Conversations about the future of the School Facility Program (SFP) and the State’s role in funding school facilities have been ongoing among members of the Legislature and the Administration.  The Legislature does not need to pass a school bond until next year to make the 2016 ballot, therefore we do not expect significant movement and negotiation on bond bill vehicles until next year.  However, the three main bond bill vehicles continue to move through the legislative process, having met the first significant deadline of the 2015-16 legislative session, which required bills with a potential fiscal impact had to pass out of their policy committees by May 1.  They continue to provide vehicles for ongoing discussion regarding the future of the State program. Continue reading

Message from the Chair – April 2015

April 21, 2015

hannah_JennyState School Bond Initiative, Governor’s Executive Order on Water Conservation, and the NextGen Experience

In last month’s Message from the Chair, I introduced myself as your new Chair, talked about my personal and professional background, and outlined some of my priorities as Chair, including 21st Century classrooms and how they contribute to teaching and learning.  In this month’s Message, we will get right to work on critical issues for the C.A.S.H. organization – the Californians for Quality Schools (CQS) Initiative and responding to the Governor’s Executive Order on water conservation.    Continue reading

State School Bond Initiative Q&A with C.A.S.H. Chair Jenny Hannah

April 6, 2015

C.A.S.H. and the California Building Industry Association (CBIA) have concluded that a State School Bond has to be on the 2016 November General Election ballot or there probably will not be a State School Bond on the ballot until 2020.   C.A.S.H. and CBIA have partnered and created Californians for Quality Schools (CQS) to place a $9 billion State School Bond on the November 2016 General Election ballot.

The Attorney General has issued Title and Summary for the State School Bond Initiative and we are now on the streets collecting signatures!

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