Tag Archives: M&O

Facility Planners Meeting – November 2015

November 3, 2015

Legislative Update
The Legislature concluded its business for the year on September 11, 2015, and will reconvene in Sacramento on January 4, 2016. The Governor had until October 11, 2015, to sign or veto bills. Below is an update on final actions for C.A.S.H. priority bills that made it to the Governor’s desk. Continue reading

C.A.S.H. Monthly Meeting – Wednesday, April 15, 2015

April 17, 2015

A webcast of the entire General Membership Meeting will be available on the C.A.S.H. website. 

C.A.S.H. Chair, Jenny Hannah, called the meeting to order at 11:07 a.m.  New members and first time attendees were welcomed. Jenny encouraged members to sponsor the monthly meeting webcast.  More information can be found on the C.A.S.H. website at www.cashnet.org.

Jenny updated the membership on the 2016 State School Bond Initiative; signature gathering has begun.  The process started in Northern California, and has moved to Southern California.  We need contributions to gather those signatures.  We have money in the bank, but we need an additional $500k to get to our goal.  Look for emails asking for volunteers and more information on Californians for Quality Schools.  Please see Dave Walrath or contact the C.A.S.H. office for more information. Continue reading

This entry was posted in General and tagged Californians for Quality Schools, Great California Shakeout, , NextGen, , , State School Bond Initiative, STEM on by .