Tag Archives: Military Base Schools

Facility Planners Meeting – November 2015

November 3, 2015

Legislative Update
The Legislature concluded its business for the year on September 11, 2015, and will reconvene in Sacramento on January 4, 2016. The Governor had until October 11, 2015, to sign or veto bills. Below is an update on final actions for C.A.S.H. priority bills that made it to the Governor’s desk. Continue reading

C.A.S.H. June Facility Planners Update


The May Revision and State Budget Activities
The Governor released his May Revision budget update on Thursday, May 14, 2015, and the
Legislature is currently reviewing, reconciling, and finalizing budget actions in order to
meet the constitutional deadline to pass a budget by June 15. The Governor estimates an
additional $6.7 billion in revenues above the January proposal across three fiscal years
(2013-14, 2014-15, and 2015-16), $5.5 billion of which are proposed to go to K-12 and
community colleges under Proposition 98. The Legislative Analyst’s Office (LAO)
estimates revenues approximately $3 billion above the Governor, who is known for making
very conservative estimates in order to maintain a fiscally prudent approach and minimize
new spending. Continue reading

C.A.S.H. Legislative Update


Legislative Update

May 2015

The Legislature just passed a very important deadline: May 1 was the last day for policy committees to hear and pass bills with potential fiscal implications.  Most bills are now pending in the Appropriations Committee in their house of origin and must be passed out of that committee by May 29.  Bills are then considered by the full Senate or Assembly and Senate bills must be passed out of the Senate and Assembly bills passed out of the Assembly by June 5. Continue reading

This entry was posted in Legislation and tagged A, AB 1126, , , , AB 677, , AB 882, AB 912, AB 975, AB552, AB566, appropriations committee, Artificial Turf, Assembly Member Dodd, Assembly Member O'Donnell, Concrete Delivery, Consequential Damages, , GO Bonds, HVAC Inspection Reports, LCAP, , Local Control Accountability Plan, , Portable Electronic Devices, Prequalification, , , , , SB 313, SB 47, School Siting, state allocation board, Statutory Liens, United Contractors on by .

Legislative Update – May 2014

May 14, 2014

The Legislature just passed a very important deadline: May 2 was the last day for policy committees to hear bills with fiscal implications.  Most bills are now pending in the Appropriations Committee in their house of origin and must be passed out of this committee by May 23.  Bills are then considered by the full Senate or Assembly and must be passed out of their original house by May 30.


Below is an update on a number of priority bills for which C.A.S.H. has taken a position or that staff is actively monitoring.  Note that when bills are heard in the Appropriations Committee, the Committee will often defer action, sending bills to the “suspense file.”  This is a mechanism whereby each house collects and prioritizes bills with state fiscal implications, acting upon them at a later date.

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