Tag Archives: Lease-Leaseback

Facility Planners Meeting – November 2015

November 3, 2015

Legislative Update
The Legislature concluded its business for the year on September 11, 2015, and will reconvene in Sacramento on January 4, 2016. The Governor had until October 11, 2015, to sign or veto bills. Below is an update on final actions for C.A.S.H. priority bills that made it to the Governor’s desk. Continue reading

Legislative Update: Governor’s Actions 2015

October 13, 2015

The Legislature completed its business and went into interim recess on September 11, and the Governor had until midnight on Sunday, October 11 to sign or veto bills on his desk.   Legislators will return to Sacramento on January 4, 2016, to kick off the second year of the 2015-16 legislative session, at which time bill introductions will begin again in earnest.  Continue reading

C.A.S.H. October Facility Planners Update

October 2, 2015

Facility Planners Meeting
October 2015

Kindergarten through Community College Public Education Facilities Bond Act of 2016
QUALIFIED: Thank you for your support of the signature-gathering effort for the C.A.S.H. sponsored Kindergarten through Community College Public Education Facilities Bond Act
of 2016. C.A.S.H. and Californians for Quality Schools are proud to announce that the State
School Bond has been certified eligible (qualified) for the November 7, 2016, General
Election Ballot. Continue reading

This entry was posted in General, Planning & Architecture and tagged AB 1185, , , AB 55, , AIACC, california teachers association, Californians for Quality Schools, CASH Fall Conference, Clean Energy and Pollution Reduction Act of 2015, CMMCP, CQS, CTA, Environmental Protection Agency, , , Fund Release Authorization, General Election, greenhouse gas emissions, , Maintenance Management Certification Program, Prop 30, Public Education Facilities Bond Act of 2016, , SAB 50-05, SB 32, , , , School Funding budget stability act, , state allocation board, State School Bond on by .

C.A.S.H. August Facility Planners Update

July 31, 2015

Facility Planners Meeting
August 2015

Californians for Quality Schools (CQS) Update
With the help of our members and supporters, C.A.S.H. believes we will meet 100% or
greater of our State School Bond initiative signature gathering threshold and will be
qualified by the end of September 2015. Upon qualification, we will begin a campaign for
which we will need to raise $1.5 to $2.5 million. The total campaign cost is expected to be
approximately $10 million, so we will be expanding outreach to other education
organizations and to local school districts and county offices of education for grassroots
efforts. Continue reading

This entry was posted in General and tagged , , AB 882, amicus curiae, Appellate Court, , BSC, Building Standards Commission, C.A.S.H. Board of Directors, C.A.S.H. Legislative Advisory Committee, California Green Building Standards, California Water Commission, Californians for Quality Schools, CQS, Davis v. Fresno, , , , DWR, , federal tax code requirements, Finance Committee, Fresno USD, LAC, , Local Bond Funding, Model Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance, MWELO, Portable Electronic Devices, Prequalification, Senate Education Committee, Senate Governance, State School Bond Initiative, Supreme Court, Title 24 on by .

A Letter from Robert Pierce to the Legislative Advisory Committee

July 21, 2015

Dear Legislative Advisory Committee Members:

At the May 27th Board of Directors meeting, I was humbled to be appointed Chair of the Legislative Advisory Committee (LAC) by Jenny Hannah, C.A.S.H. Chair.  I am honored to follow in the shoes of Don Ulrich, who is now C.A.S.H. Vice Chair and Chair of the Annual Conference Planning Committee; this is a significant and exciting challenge that I am eager to fulfill. Continue reading

This entry was posted in Legislation and tagged 2016 State School Bond Initiative, , Assembly Education Chair, C.A.S.H. Annual Conference, , C.A.S.H. Legislative Advisory Committee, California Supreme Court, Davis v. Fresno, DIR, Drought, LAC, , Robert Pierce, SB 854, State School Bond Initiative, on by .

C.A.S.H. Special Meetings: Davis v. Fresno


As we previously reported to you, on June 1, 2015, the Fifth Appellate District Court of the State of California published its decision in Davis v. Fresno, a case wherein the plaintiff challenged the use of the lease-leaseback contract that the Fresno Unified School District had awarded to Harris Construction for the construction of a middle school.   [To read more click here] Continue reading

This entry was posted in Legal and tagged Davis v. Fresno, fifth appellate district court, Fresno Unified School District, on by .

Summary and Briefing: Davis V Fresno: Appellate Court Decision on the Lease-Leaseback Provisions of the Education Code


On June 1, 2015, the Fifth Appellate District Court of the State of California published its decision in Davis v Fresno, a case wherein the plaintiff challenged the use of the lease-leaseback contract that the Fresno Unified School District had awarded to Harris Construction for the construction of a middle school. Continue reading

This entry was posted in Legal and tagged C.A.S.H. Legislative Advisory Committee, C.A.S.H. Monthly Update Meeting, Davis v. Fresno, Education Code, Education Code 17406, fifth appellate district court, Fresno Unified School District, Government Code, Harris Construction, , Long Beach Unified School District, Section 1090 on by .

School Bond Update & Davis v. Fresno (lease-leaseback)


School Bond Legislative Update:

Yesterday the State Senate heard Senate Bill 114 (Liu) the Senate School Bond Bill. The bill failed to pass off the Senate Floor, receiving 26 of the 27 votes necessary for passage. The bill was supported by every Democrat, but by no Republicans.  SB 114 had a number of program changes but no dollar amounts were specified for new construction, modernization, or any other programs. Yesterday’s actions do not mean the bill is dead, it can be reconsidered later. Lack of passage should be considered as another step in the process for legislative consideration for a 2016 State School Bond.   SB 114 is a 2016 bond bill and it is now only June 2015, so there is time. Continue reading

This entry was posted in Legislation and tagged Davis v. Fresno, Education Code, , SB 114, School Bond on by .

C.A.S.H. Legislative Update


Legislative Update

May 2015

The Legislature just passed a very important deadline: May 1 was the last day for policy committees to hear and pass bills with potential fiscal implications.  Most bills are now pending in the Appropriations Committee in their house of origin and must be passed out of that committee by May 29.  Bills are then considered by the full Senate or Assembly and Senate bills must be passed out of the Senate and Assembly bills passed out of the Assembly by June 5. Continue reading

This entry was posted in Legislation and tagged A, AB 1126, , , , AB 677, , AB 882, AB 912, AB 975, AB552, AB566, appropriations committee, Artificial Turf, Assembly Member Dodd, Assembly Member O'Donnell, Concrete Delivery, Consequential Damages, , GO Bonds, HVAC Inspection Reports, LCAP, , Local Control Accountability Plan, , Portable Electronic Devices, Prequalification, , , , , SB 313, SB 47, School Siting, state allocation board, Statutory Liens, United Contractors on by .