Tag Archives: Governor’s Executive Order

Facility Planners Meeting – January 2016

January 4, 2016

Kindergarten through Community College Public Education Facilities Bond Act of 2016

In response to the lack of state funding for school facilities, the Coalition for Adequate School Housing (C.A.S.H.) has qualified a State School Bond for the November 2016 statewide General Election ballot.  C.A.S.H. will proceed with its State School Bond on the General Election ballot in November 2016.  Continue reading

This entry was posted in General and tagged Air Resources Board, ARB, BSC, Building Standards Commission, , Cap-and-Trade Proceeds, Clean Energy and Energy Efficiency, Coalition for Adequate School Housing, Compliance with CalGreen Outdoor Water Use Regulations, , Division of the State Architect, Drought, , , DSA Irrigation Efficiency Regulations, DSA Procedure PR 15-03, DWR, , General Election Ballot, GHG, , Green Schools Initiative, greenhouse gas emissions, GSI, Kindergarten Through Community College Public Education Facilities Bond Act of 2016, Model Water Efficiency Landscape Ordinance, MWELO, Natural Resources and Waste Diversion, sample resolution, , , Second Cap-and-Trade Auction, State School Bond, , Transportation and Sustainable Communities on by .

Facility Planners Meeting – December 2015

December 4, 2015

Kindergarten through Community College Public Education Facilities Bond Act of 2016

Now that the State School Bond has qualified for the November 2016 General Election ballot, we have begun organizing the campaign to pass the State School Bond and provide $7 billion in state matching funds for K-12 facility projects and $2 billion for community college facility projects. Continue reading

This entry was posted in General, Legislation, Maintenance & Operations and tagged ADA, Air Resources Board, ARB, BSC, Building Standards Commission, CAC, , California's County Agricultural Commissioners, CASH 37th Annual Conference, Cash Maintenance Management Certificate Program, Clean Energy and Energy Efficiency, CMMCP, Department of Pesticide Regulation, , Division of the State Architect, DPR, , DSA Irrigation Efficiency Regulations, DWR, Governor Jerry Brown, , Interpretation of Regulations, IR, K-12, K-12 grants, Kindergarten Through Community College Public Education Facilities Bond Act of 2016, LEA, Local Education Agency, Model Water Efficiency Landscape Ordinance, MWELO, NextGen Experience, November 2016 General Election, , school board resolutions, Second Cap-and-Trade Auction, State School Bond, State Water Board, State Water Reduction Goals, statewide water reduction, Transportation and Sustainable Communities on by .

C.A.S.H. Presenting at the Green California Schools & Community Colleges Summit & Exposition – October 29-30

October 9, 2015

Since its inception, C.A.S.H. has partnered with the Green California Schools & Community Colleges Summit & Exposition to help provide workshops on pertinent green school facility funding issues. This year, we are pleased to announce our partnership with the School Energy Coalition (SEC) to provide two excellent workshops with panels of green school facility experts, as follows: Continue reading

C.A.S.H. To Provide Education at the Green California Schools & Community Colleges Summit & Expo!

August 6, 2015

Since its inception, C.A.S.H. has partnered with the Green California Schools & Community Colleges Summit & Expo to help provide workshops on pertinent green school facility funding issues.

This year, C.A.S.H. is pleased to announce that, in partnership with the School Energy Coalition (SEC), we will provide two excellent workshops that will include panels of green school facility experts as follows: Continue reading

C.A.S.H. June Facility Planners Update


The May Revision and State Budget Activities
The Governor released his May Revision budget update on Thursday, May 14, 2015, and the
Legislature is currently reviewing, reconciling, and finalizing budget actions in order to
meet the constitutional deadline to pass a budget by June 15. The Governor estimates an
additional $6.7 billion in revenues above the January proposal across three fiscal years
(2013-14, 2014-15, and 2015-16), $5.5 billion of which are proposed to go to K-12 and
community colleges under Proposition 98. The Legislative Analyst’s Office (LAO)
estimates revenues approximately $3 billion above the Governor, who is known for making
very conservative estimates in order to maintain a fiscally prudent approach and minimize
new spending. Continue reading

Building Standards Commission Approves Initial Water Efficiency Code Changes


Today the Building Standards Commission (BSC) approved emergency regulations proposed by the Division of the State Architect (DSA) to update the California Green Building Standards Code (Title 24) and create new water efficiency requirements for public schools and community college irrigated landscape areas.  The changes require a reduction in outdoor potable water use through irrigation regulation, separate water meters, and automatic controllers that adapt to changes in weather and soil moisture.  This action is being taken in conjunction with the Governor’s recent Executive Order B-29-15 issued April 1, 2015 regarding water restrictions and conservation efforts.  Today’s actions pertain only to use of water outside of a school building and do not apply to graywater.

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This entry was posted in Legislation and tagged , BSC, Building Standards Commission, California Green Building Standards, Division of the State Architect, , ETAF, Evapotranspiration adjustment factor, , Model Water Efficiency Landscape Ordinance, MWELO, SLAs, Special Landscape Areas, Title 24, Water Efficiency Code Changes on by .

Proposed Irrigation Water Efficiency Requirements


Please see below for information regarding DSA’s proposed irrigation water efficiency requirements.  Chet Widom provided some insight on the DSA regulation development process at today’s C.A.S.H. workshop in Sacramento, and C.A.S.H. staff have been coordinating with him to help provide feedback and expertise. Continue reading

Governor Releases May Revision Budget, Is Silent on the Future of State Facilities Funding


Today the Governor released the May Revision budget update.  His budget estimates an additional $6.7 billion in revenues above the January proposal, $5.5 billion of which will go to K-12 and community colleges under Proposition 98.  This increases the Proposition 98 minimum guarantee by $241 million in 2013-14, $3.1 billion in 2014-15, and $2.7 billion in 2015-16, for revised minimum guarantee levels of $58.9 billion, $66.3 billion, and $68.4 billion respectively.  The Proposition 98 maintenance factor is reduced to $722 million.  Continue reading