Tag Archives: Emergency Repair Program

State Allocation Board Meeting Notes – January 2017

January 25, 2023


The minutes from the December 5, 2016, meeting were approved unanimously.

Executive Officer Statement

Lisa Silverman provided updates on the following:

  • Charter Round Opening: A new Charter School Facilities Program (CSFP) round will open and applications will be accepted from February 6, 2023, through June 5, 2023. $500 million is now available with the passage of Proposition 51. Office of Public School Construction (OPSC) staff will be providing a webinar and workshops on the CSFP application process.
  • August 2016 Priority Funding Apportionments: On August 17, 2016, $78.7 million was approved for 20 projects from 14 school districts. 19 projects were required to submit Form SAB 50-05 by November 15, 2016; two projects worth $932,070.50 did not.  They were returned to the Unfunded List (Lack of AB 55 Loans) and given a new Unfunded Approval date of November 15, 2016.

Consent Agenda

The consent agenda was approved unanimously. Items included, but were not limited to, the following:

Annual Adjustment to School Facility Program Grants
The Board adopted an increase of 4.42 percent for the 2017 School Facility Program (SFP) grants based on the RS Means Construction Cost Index (CCI).  In February 2016, the Board adopted the RS Means CCI for 2016 and future years.

Emergency Repair Program Funding
The Board apportioned $2,920,016.10 in Emergency Repair Program (ERP) funds for nine applications.  The OPSC received savings from previously funded projects.

Emergency Repair Program Grant Adjustments – Savings
The Board adopted an item to reduce grant apportionments by the savings and interest earned for 132 ERP applications. For these projects, $7,205,001.81 has been returned to the state, and an additional $2,233,670.46 will be returned to the state.

Facility Hardship / Rehabilitation Program
The Board approved one Facility Hardship Rehabilitation project for placement on the Unfunded List (Lack of AB 55 Loans).

Financial Reports

The following reflects remaining bond authority as of January 25, 2023, including Unfunded Approvals:

SFP Program Prop. 51 Prop. 1D Prop. 55 Prop. 47
New Construction $3.0 billion $3.3 million $6.1 million $0.9 million
Seismic Repair $58.9 million
Overcrowding Relief $14.0 million
Modernization $3.0 billion $5.5 million $0.1 million $0.1 million
Career Technical $500 million $0.9 million
High Performance $0.0
Charter School $500 million $28.6 million $1.7 million $0.8 million


2016 Office of State Audits and Evaluations Report and Greater Program Accountability
OPSC Executive Officer Lisa Silverman provided information to the State Allocation Board about the recent report completed by the Office of State Audits and Evaluations (OSAE), and actions that may be taken to enhance accountability in the School Facility Program (SFP).  The passage of Proposition 51 and the accountability measures proposed in the Governor’s 2017-18 Budget prompted staff to explore possible regulation and policy changes for the SFP. Lisa Silverman presented consideration of a “grant agreement” between the Board and applicant districts on a per-project basis, which would address some of the OSAE recommendations. She indicated that, with a grant agreement in place, OPSC staff could more efficiently monitor bond funds and confirm that each district met its required project milestones. Grant agreements would also provide greater transparency and clearly define expectations and responsibilities under the program for the state and the school district receiving SFP funding. Staff plans to present a regulation change proposal along with a detailed outline or example of a proposed grant agreement, as well as other possible changes to the SFP, in the near future.

Assembly Member Patrick O’Donnell indicated that the voters have spoken in passing Proposition 51, and the Board needs to do all it can to get funding out to districts. CASH Chair Jenny Hannah addressed the Board in public comment, stating that CASH supports transparency and consistency for districts. She urged an expeditious process and offered that CASH can help provide input to align the state and local processes.

The Board accepted the report and requested that OPSC staff proceed with development of a grant agreement and companion regulation for Board action at a future meeting. SAB Chair Eraina Ortega expressed intent to bring the item back at the March Board meeting.

Overview of Informational Lists
OPSC Deputy Executive Officer Barbara Kampmeinert provided the Board with an overview of the Unfunded List and Applications Received Beyond Bond Authority list. She indicated that project circumstances may have changed since submission, and the lists will require future Board action. The Board acknowledged the report.

2016 Annual Legislative Update
Barbara Kampmeinert provided the Board with an update on the passage of legislation in 2016 that may impact programs administered by the Board. She indicated that no Board action is required as a result of these bills. The Board acknowledged the report.

The next State Allocation Board meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, February 22, 2023.

~ Rebekah Cearley

This entry was posted in Construction, Finance, General, Legal, Maintenance & Operations, Planning & Architecture, State Agency, Uncategorized and tagged 2016 School Facilities Bond Initiative, 2016 State School Bond Initiative, Californians for Quality Schools, Coalition for Adequate School Housing, CQS, , , ERP, Kindergarten Through Community College Public Education Facilities Bond Act of 2016, November 2016 ballot, November 2016 General Election, , , Prop 51, Proposition 51, , , school finance, , state allocation board, State School Bond, State School Bond Initiative, statewide school bond, Yes on 51, Yes on Proposition 51 on by .

State Allocation Board Meeting Notes – August 26, 2015

August 27, 2015


The minutes from the June 30, 2015, meeting were approved unanimously.

Executive Officer Statement

  • Lisa Silverman provided updates on the following:Close of 2014 Charter School Facilities Program (CSFP) Funding Round – In November 2014, the State Allocation Board (Board) provided unfunded approvals for Preliminary Charter School Apportionments in the 2014 funding round, which was open until July 24, 2015.  Nine schools with 13 projects worth $157.0 million have been approved, and $0.5 million in bond authority remains for the 2014 round.  Once this is apportioned at a future meeting, the remaining applications will be returned to applicants.
  • Status of Fund Releases for Priority Funding Apportionments – On April 15, 2015, the Board approved $113.6 million in priority funding apportionments for 41 projects representing 22 school districts.  Districts that received an apportionment were required to submit a valid Fund Release Authorization (Form SAB 50-05) containing an original signature by Tuesday, July 14, 2015, to Office of Public School Construction (OPSC).  OPSC received 27 fund release requests totaling $96.7 million.  Twelve Career Technical Education Facilities Program Projects were approved as a reservation of funds.
  • Regulation Update – OPSC anticipates that regulations adopted by the Board in October 2014 will be in effect on October 1, 2015.  These regulations align the Charter School Preliminary Apportionment general site development grant with the one provided in the New Construction program.
  • Upcoming Bond Sale – There will be a General Obligation Bond sale on August 26, 2016.  Staff anticipates receiving bond proceeds for the School Facility Program from this sale.

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State Allocation Board Meeting Notes – June 30, 2015

July 6, 2015

The minutes from the May 27, 2015, meeting were approved unanimously.

Executive Officer Statement

Lisa Silverman provided updates on the following:

  • Current Priority Funding Filing Round – The current filing period opened on May 13, 2015, and closed June 11, 2015.  Requests will be valid from July 1, 2015, through December 31, 2015.  Twelve projects totaling $11.2 million received a second occurrence for non-participation in this round had have been rescinded without further State Allocation Board action.

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State Allocation Board Meeting Notes – May 27, 2015

June 1, 2015

The minutes from the April 15, 2015 meeting were approved unanimously.

Executive Officer Statement
Lisa Silverman provided updates on the following:
‐ Current Priority Funding Filing Round – The current filing period opened on May 13, 2015 and will close June 11, 2015. Requests will be valid from July 1, 2015 through December 31, 2015. Continue reading

This entry was posted in Legislation and tagged Charter School Facilities Program, CSFP, Current Priority Funding, , Fund Release Authoriation, General Site Development, , Priority Funding Apportionments, , state allocation board on by .

C.A.S.H. June Facility Planners Update


The May Revision and State Budget Activities
The Governor released his May Revision budget update on Thursday, May 14, 2015, and the
Legislature is currently reviewing, reconciling, and finalizing budget actions in order to
meet the constitutional deadline to pass a budget by June 15. The Governor estimates an
additional $6.7 billion in revenues above the January proposal across three fiscal years
(2013-14, 2014-15, and 2015-16), $5.5 billion of which are proposed to go to K-12 and
community colleges under Proposition 98. The Legislative Analyst’s Office (LAO)
estimates revenues approximately $3 billion above the Governor, who is known for making
very conservative estimates in order to maintain a fiscally prudent approach and minimize
new spending. Continue reading

Governor Releases May Revision Budget, Is Silent on the Future of State Facilities Funding


Today the Governor released the May Revision budget update.  His budget estimates an additional $6.7 billion in revenues above the January proposal, $5.5 billion of which will go to K-12 and community colleges under Proposition 98.  This increases the Proposition 98 minimum guarantee by $241 million in 2013-14, $3.1 billion in 2014-15, and $2.7 billion in 2015-16, for revised minimum guarantee levels of $58.9 billion, $66.3 billion, and $68.4 billion respectively.  The Proposition 98 maintenance factor is reduced to $722 million.  Continue reading