Category Archives: Energy

Education Symposium Highlights California’s Energy Leadership for Sustainable Schools

March 23, 2016

By Stelli Munnis, Sun Power

As California schools face the prospect of continued budget cuts and rising energy costs, doing more with less has become their mantra. While energy represents a huge cost center for many schools, strategically managed energy presents a significant opportunity—to save money for teacher salaries and student services, expand educational opportunities, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and improve the human health and learning environment of students.

Energy costs are the second highest cost for many schools and universities—second only to teacher salaries—and schools could save up to 25% of energy costs every year by implementing energy improvements according to the US Department of Energy. In addition, offsetting energy consumption with increasingly cost-competitive clean energy technologies like solar can protect schools against future rises in electricity rates by essentially “locking in” today’s prices for 20 years or more.

With the passage of California SB 350 (2015), which aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and increase renewable energy production in the state by 2030—and Governor Brown’s ambitious goal to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 80% by 2050—the time is ripe for educators to evaluate their options for a strong, proactive energy policy at every campus.

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C.A.S.H. To Provide Education at the Green California Schools & Community Colleges Summit & Expo!

August 6, 2015

Since its inception, C.A.S.H. has partnered with the Green California Schools & Community Colleges Summit & Expo to help provide workshops on pertinent green school facility funding issues.

This year, C.A.S.H. is pleased to announce that, in partnership with the School Energy Coalition (SEC), we will provide two excellent workshops that will include panels of green school facility experts as follows: Continue reading

Impact of School Building on Student Health and Performance

July 6, 2015

C.A.S.H. is sharing this informative video presentation by Anisa Baldwin Metzger, M.Arch., who is the manager of School District Sustainability Center for Green Schools at the U.S. Green Building Council.  This presentation was given at the Mid-Atlantic Center for Children’s Health and the Environment’s 12th annual conference on September 19, 2014.

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~ C.A.S.H. Staff


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Why California Schools Are Rapidly Adopting Electric Vehicle Charging and Energy Storage

February 23, 2015

Every dollar we save goes into students programs and staff benefits Superintendent California School


Electric vehicle charging station usage has soared over the past few years. In California alone there are more than 100,000 electric vehicles on the road today according to figures by and Baum & Associates, a Michigan-based market research firm. The installation of electric vehicle charging stations at California schools is yielding multiple benefits, for schools, students, faculty and families in communities across the state. As electric vehicles become more commonplace, schools will need to provide more charging options for employees, students and guests. However, each time an EV is plugged in to a charging station, the electricity demand for a building spikes, which can leave schools with shockingly high demand charges at the end of the month. What are Demand charges? Demand charges (kW) are part of every commercial electricity bill and are determined by the highest 15 minutes of use during a billing cycle. Schools and administrative buildings, can pay 50 percent or more of their electric bills in demand charges. Even one sudden spike in energy usage can send a schools monthly electric bill skyrocketing.

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California Energy Commission Approves Changes to Proposition 39 Guidelines

December 11, 2014


Today the California Energy Commission (CEC) approved changes to the Proposition 39 program guidelines.  Among other things, the changes revise the definition of an eligible energy project by allowing efficiency measures and/or clean energy installations in or at one or more school sites within a Local Education Agency (LEA) rather than limited to one school site.  C.A.S.H. supported this modification, which will help districts layer projects across their sites to achieve the needed 1.05 Savings to Investment Ratio (SIR).  The revised guidelines also include provisions related to solar projects and Power Purchase Agreements, including making it easier for them to meet the SIR requirements.

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California Approves $13.5 Million in Loans for Energy-Efficient Upgrades to Schools Grants for alternative and renewable fuel projects totaling nearly $8 million also approved

November 17, 2014

The following press release was provided by the California Energy Commission

SACRAMENTO – The California Energy Commission approved $13.5 million for energy efficiency measures to 14 schools in the San Francisco Bay Area, San Joaquin County and Orange County during its monthly business meeting today. The Energy Commission also approved grants to four entities to develop and research alternative and renewable fuel projects.

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CEC Releases Proposed Changes to Proposition 39 Guidelines

On Friday, September 26, the California Energy Commission released proposed changes to the Proposition 39 Guidelines.  Public comment is due by October 27, 2014 and must be submitted via email to .  In the email subject line, indicate Prop 39 13-CCEJA-01.

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California Conservation Corp and Proposition 39

April 8, 2014

There have been approximately 16 Proposition 39 Energy Expenditure Plans (EEP) submitted to the California Energy Commission, with four approved EEPs sent on to the California Department of Education for funding.  Contacting the California Conservation Corp. (CCC) is one way to begin the process for your district. The CCC provides services to school districts in phases: Continue reading

California Energy Commission Adopts
Proposition 39 Guidelines

December 19, 2013

Today the California Energy Commission (CEC) voted unanimously to adopt the Proposition 39: California Clean Energy Jobs Act – 2013 Program Implementation Guidelines (Guidelines).  The CEC adopted a revised version of the Guidelines, which became available to the public this morning and can be found at the link below.  Per the Guidelines, the CEC will begin to accept submission of Energy Expenditure Plans (EEPs) in January 2014.  The CEC intends to prepare and distribute a program handbook to assist Local Education Agencies (LEAs) with participation and provide clarification on the Guidelines. Continue reading